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Optimal Solar Panel Angle and Orientation for Geraldton

Optimal Solar Panel Angle and Orientation for Geraldton

The optimal panel angle in Geraldton is around 28-30 degrees. North-facing panels maximise sunlight exposure throughout the year. Roof angle orientation and location of your home can impact the efficiency of your system. The optimal position for solar panels is when they are positioned perpendicular to the sun. This means sunlight hits the PV panels at a 90-degree angle. Understanding…

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Reasons to Invest in Commercial Solar Panels

Reasons to Invest in Commercial Solar Panels

Are you considering commercial solar panels in Geraldton or Mid West? Investing in commercial solar panels can be a smart decision for businesses in Mid West region of WA. With abundant sunshine and favourable solar conditions, Geraldton offers an ideal environment for harnessing solar energy. By embracing commercial solar panels, Geraldton businesses can enjoy substantial cost savings, environmental advantages, and…

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Is The Tesla Powerwall Worth It?

Is The Tesla Powerwall Worth It?

Tesla’s Powerwall is one of the strongest and most advanced solar battery storage units available on the market. The Powerwall is an additional component that can be added to your solar panel system that stores the energy generated by your solar panels for later use. This can be a useful element to add to your household’s solar energy setup depending…

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Western Australian Solar 2022: A Year in Review

Western Australian Solar 2022: A Year in Review

Australia is currently leading the world in solar energy. It was reported in 2022 that around 12% of the country’s electricity was generated by solar in the previous year [1]. The amount of solar energy we utilise is also growing. The use of solar and wind energy in Australia’s energy market has increased by around 9% in 2021 [1]. This increase in solar energy is predominantly powered by the installation of solar panels at residential and commercial properties.

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